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If there is one thing that all people have in common, it is their desire for a prosperous life. The heavily-overlooked factor regarding prosperity - which we have also discussed on our blog some time ago - is that "prosperity" does not mean wealth, opulence or anything in greater measure than what is required. "Prosperity" means having enough to be at ease without financial worry. It does not mean the ability to throw money at everything you see and having more than enough. No. It means to have enough.


Even though we offer a wide range of Spellwork that can suit this purpose with a surgeon's precision, we have decided to offer a “collective ritual” to serve this purpose.


How this differs from our other services – such as Spellwork – is that the ritual will not be focused on you and you alone, but on all individuals who decide that they would like to benefit from this ritual. We also do not look for any causes of financial stresses or hindrances, we simply direct prosperity to you.


If you purchase this service, you will be a “participant” of this collective ritual – you will not need to do anything yourself and no harm will befall you during this collective ritual. As a “participant”, we will require your full name and/or photo – however, this only serves to establish a proper link to you for the purpose of this ritual.


After the collective ritual has been performed, we will notify all participants of its completion and provide you with a sigil which you can make use of yourself to further direct the prosperity in your life – however, this is not needed for you to do. The sigil provided will be digital (printable) and you will be provided will full instructions on its application. Please note that the sigil will only be effective for the purpose of this particular ritual as it will be created as such. Outside the scope of this ritual it will not work. Also please note that this will not be streamed via video or online platform.


This ritual will be performed on the 12th of January at 23:00 CAT. Purchase availability for this will end on the 12th of January at 22:00 CAT, after which it will no longer be available.


Each purchase counts for one “participant” – if you want to include more than one person in this, then more iterations of this service must be purchased.


You will also note that participation in this collective ritual is significantly cheaper than employing us for Spellwork – however, this is due to the nature of this ritual: being a collective ritual. This will not lessen the potency of the ritual, nor lessen the potency of the results.


Take note, however, that although this collective ritual will serve to direct prosperity into your life – it needs an avenue to work through to achieve this. In other words, if you have employment or an avenue to gain income through, then this will use that avenue to manifest prosperity. Gambling does not count. If you require a more personalised ritual for yourself, or if you want a specific type of prosperity working, we rather suggest employing us for Spellwork.

Collective Ritual: Prosperity

Out of Stock


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