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Little Gods

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

It is no secret how much we cherish and value life – yet, not all life, mind you – but animal life. Humans…well…for all that we care, humans must simply disappear from this world, to put it as kindly as possible. Nonetheless, from those that walk the earth (and under the earth), to those that fly in the vast skies, and those that swim beneath the immense waters of this world – and all those that we have not mentioned as well – life, nature, is precious beyond measure – pure beyond compare. Cosmic.

Anyone who either owns an animal, or who works with animals will tell you that they have a purity of self, an innocence, a lack of corruption – and this is only a few reasons why we call all animals by the term “Little Gods”.

We are no strangers to the cruel world of man, and the knowledge of this insurmountable cruelty and true bestiality which humans enact upon all animals break us…makes us strive to do better, to be better, to do what meagre things we can to help alleviate the suffering of the true Purity of this world, those countless Little Gods – known and unknown, remembered and forgotten, alive and dead who has ever existed in this world.

Recently, today actually, we have adopted our seventh rescue cat, Rory, a 14-year-old toothless darling who was rescued from a terrible hoarder situation. He is but one of countless creatures that have been abused by the world of men and cast aside as if a worthless and broken plaything. If we could, we would embrace all Little Gods in a fierce embrace and remove all pain, suffering, misery and abandonment – yet, we cannot (as of yet!) and do what we can, where we can, when we can.

As we walked the grounds of the cat-dedicated shelter where we found him and looked upon the many faces – our minds were set, and cannot be wavered in this new task that has dawned upon us.

Within the next few weeks, we will be releasing a new grimoire, a tome dedicated to Little Gods, discussing animals in Magick, presenting numerous sigils and seals, spellwork, rituals and more – all revolving around animals.

This grimoire will be digital only (although physical copies will be available by special request) and will be priced at $10 per digital copy. Although, options of $20, $50, $80 and such will also be available. Why are we writing this new grimoire, and what does this have to do with this blog post? Well, all the proceeds from this new grimoire (yes, ALL of it) will be donated to the shelter which inspired us to do this in the first place. These donations will go towards vet bills, shelter upkeep, food, litter and more. And yes, to you doubters out there, we are willing to provide proof of this to you.

In time, before the grimoire’s release, we will provide you with more details about the shelter, the shelter’s many residents and so on. But for now, we just wanted to make this announcement of sorts. So, if you would be willing to donate a small sum and receive a dedicated grimoire written by us in thanks – stay tuned and look for updates via newsletter, our Facebook page and on our website.


All of our writings, including our blog posts, are copyrighted to us (Rheiner and Vanessa Le Roux under the pseudonyms of Baron and Baronessa Araignee) and our business Araignee Arcane Services. Our writings are original and not copied content.

If you like any of our posts and would like to share them, feel free to do so by selecting one of the sharing options below. If you would like one of our blog posts to be on your website or blog (and for us to be guest bloggers) simply reach out to us via email.

Plagiarism is an extremely damaging and annoying thing – and by plagiarizing our work (or another’s) you are not just stealing – you are damaging your own name, as things like this always come to light. Don’t be a typical human.


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