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Masters of the Occult

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

This post was migrated from our previous blog. Original written date: 06/28/2016 On face value the world of the Occult seems sinister and even lies the problem. Many amateurs and thrill seekers will be lured by this mysterious Siren. Some of these individuals will pursue an arcane rite in the hopes of obtaining some form of supernatural power through the Pact-making or soul selling with some droll and pretentious Infernal "Demon". Good and well, Hooray for the imagination! Kudos to you! However delusions of grandeur walks hand in hand with idiocy. What many so called "masters" of the occult fail to understand and know, is this simple universal fact: If your spiritual power is lower than that which you Evoke-the chances for your success is next to nothing, zero, nil! So, to sum all of this up and not to be lured into a blind ranting by the ignorance of the masses: You will simply have to start at the "bottom" working your way up to the "top". There are no "shortcuts" or "back doors" to obtain Ashe, Mana or Spiritual Authority. No Barbaric words of power or names of Deities, Angels or Trolls will sway the Demons resolve into your favor! No amount of sacrifices and blood offerings will appease the force you wish to work with if you as the individual have not excelled in spiritual development. All the literature that bares the empty promises of so called Occult authors, will not give you the secrets that escapes the faculties of the Spiritually illiterate. Find a good teacher, and not some Self proclaimed Voodoo priest or High witch. If you pursue teachings from them, you will only find your pockets empty and enlightened with a massive load of nonsense and empty promises. For this very reason, our apprentice courses are tailor made for the individuals spiritual state at that point in time. We do not progress with our teachings if the individual has not excelled in the lesson at that point in time. Our courses has no time limit, this means you can take as long as you wish, no pressure, no hidden costs. You simply cannot and will not learn even the basics of Magick in a week's time, thus it is of great importance to have as much time available to develop without being or feeling pressured. We offer courses, such as Necromancy, High Magick, Black Witchcraft, Developing Mediumship abilities, Divination and much more. All of the courses we offer are that which we have mastered ourselves, and not copied over from other material and sources. Our main goal, is spiritual ascension and Divine Enlightenment, thus we offer many avenues for the student in order to grow, both in spirit and mind. You will not find apprentice courses such as this anywhere on the Internet-simply because a vast majority of those individuals that do offer Magick courses are simply interested in your money and not your spiritual development. You dear reader will never be able to learn Magick or master any subject of Magick from a book. That’s why it is imperative for you to find a Master at His or Her trade, to instruct you. Why then does Araignee Arcane Services charge for Apprentice Courses? Firstly, we offered courses for free in the past, however certain individuals wasted our time and heck...we don’t applaud that kind of theatrics. Secondly-We only cater for serious individuals who wants to develop spiritually and have turned away many who wanted to be our students. We simply do not have the time or patience to cater to the individual negative ego-and the "Badassess" swiftly gets prodded out the back door with a very short stick. Those whom we do accept as students, will be enriched, enlightened and empowered, not by any of our doing but by their individual dedication and determination. After all, we are only the mouth piece of the gods. We kindly invite you to preview those courses we offer, and when the time arrives that you feel compelled to purchase such a course from us, take a step back and in a moment of complete clarity, then decide. Never rush into any choice. Thank you for reading this post, we hope it found you in good spirit and understanding. Namaste! Baron and Baronessa Araignee.


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