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Patrons and Matrons of the Craft

Throughout our blog posts, books and even videos, you might have read or heard us talk about Patrons and Matrons in terms of the Occult Arts – touching upon the subject ever so gently. Within this post, we will clarify the notion of Patrons and Matrons in Magickal practices. Suppose this would have made an excellent video subject, however, we don’t want to neglect our blog for the sake of our videos.

Anyway, moving on. What is a Patron/Matron in relation to Magick?

Your Patron and Matron are Entities or even Deities that you practice under, who guide you in your practices, and who teaches you. They become embedded in your life – both Magickal and mundane – and play a pivotal role in both. You can see your Patron and Matron as your spiritual father and mother. Some might describe them as your Deities, but we disagree – they are more akin to parents…

…and as such, as your spiritual parents, they protect you, guide you and teach you – primarily in the spiritual and Magickal, but also in the mundane. Their purpose is not worship – their purpose is to, essentially, get you ready and prepared to face the world of the spiritual by yourself – again, not unlike what your mundane parents are/were supposed to do for you but in the mundane sense.

As you enter the world of the Occult, you are essentially being reborn into a whole new world and life…as clueless and helpless as a blind newborn baby, so it’s quite suitable for you to get new parents to assist you in your new life, wouldn’t you say?

Many people who first start off their journey into Magick and the Occult do so without having a Patron or a Matron – but not necessarily out of choice…but rather because they do not know of Patrons or Matrons at all – so they think that they need to start their journey into the unknown alone.

Can you? Yes, you can…however, your journey’s beginning will be riddled with great struggles universally – but, if you have a Patron and Matron, you will navigate through these with more ease, as you will be toddling about holding their hands until you can walk by yourself. That’s the point and their purpose.

Many years ago, when we first started our own journey into the world of the Occult via our initial paradigm of Black Witchcraft, we too had our Patron and Matron – we both had the same ones. Our Patron was Belial and our Matron was Hekate (we suppose that this ought to come as no surprise to some of you). They were (and we suppose still are to some degree) our Mother and Father to this very day.

They showed us the way through many struggles and obstacles, they taught us Magick, they shielded us from enemies and they helped to shape us into what we are today.

The relationship between you and your Patron and Matron is essentially no different from a relationship with parents – and not parents who are assholes and have no place in being parents, no – parents who are patient and understanding, yet strict for your own good. If you make a fuck up, they will let you know and show you how to not make the same mistakes again. If you make a fuck up again, even though you know of better, you will get a symbolic smack upside the head and a glare. If you are lost, they will guide you. And so on, and so forth.

If you decide to get a Patron and Matron – this is no simple decision or undertaking, as, unlike Spirits or Entities that you may choose to work with at leisure for some purpose or another, when you decide to work with a Patron and Matron, you essentially enter a lifelong relationship with them…you will literally be adopted by them. This is a relationship that should not be broken. This means that this is only for serious practitioners and not dabblers or people who will change their minds later on.

You will have to work with your Patron and Matron every day – every single day. If you have rituals you want to perform, you will do so through them and their guidance. If you have any issues, you will approach them. You will always approach them before any other Spirit, Entity or even living person.

This serves to get you skilled, knowledgeable, and powerful enough so that you no longer need their help and parentage. Once you reach that point, they will tell you that you are ready to pursue Magick without their guidance. This is essentially you “moving out of their house” so to speak, and moving forwards with your life – similar to leaving your parents’ house in the mundane sense.

Your Patron and Matron will still be your mother and father – in this life and the next – but now, you are no longer a nose-digging child…and are capable enough to stand on your own. Once this point is reached; you no longer need to work with them so strictly or closely – although many practitioners still do. Your Patron and Matron will always be akin to you and your nature.

Nonetheless – a Patron and Matron can be easily mistaken for a Working Spirit – BUT! They are NOT the same. Not at all. Any Working Spirit you may have, and even your “Head Demon” and so on are NOT your Patron or Matron. Remember this.

Also, Patrons/Matrons are always Greater Entities or Deities – they are not lesser Spirits at all, nor can they be.

And further, even if you work with a Greater Entity or a Deity – this does not make them your Patron/Matron by default. No.

You can also not have multiple Patrons and Matrons – you can only have one of each…and the process of getting your Patron and Matron is not as simple as simply “choosing them” – it’s more complex than that.

Moving on…

Some people may also think that they just want a Patron or a Matron – and although we suppose you can do so if you wish, we suggest having both Patron and Matron (for many reasons). Balance being one reason. Duality being another reason. And so on. Any paradigm that only has a Patron exclusively or Matron exclusively is not a true paradigm as it harbors chauvinistic or feministic ideals and that very path and paradigm comes into question.

We highly recommend that, if you are just starting your journey – or if you are just starting your journey seriously, that you consider getting yourself a Patron and Matron. You’ll thank us in the long run.


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