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Kau chim (also referred to as Kau Cim, Qiuqian, Chien Tung, Chinese Fortune Sticks, The Oracle of Kuan Yin,  Siam Si and a similar practice in Japan, named O-mikuji) is a traditional Chinese fortune-telling practice that involves shaking a cylinder filled with numbered sticks until one falls out. Each number corresponds to a specific fortune that is written on a piece of paper that the person can then read and keep as guidance or advice for their life.


Kau Chim originated in the Song Dynasty in China and was used by scholars to seek guidance from Deities. Today, it is still a popular practice in many parts of China, Taiwan, and other Chinese-speaking communities around the world.


Traditionally, to participate in Kau Chim, a person first visits a temple or shrine where the practice is performed. They then make a donation and shake the cylinder until a single stick falls out. The person then retrieves the stick and takes it to a designated area where they exchange it for a numbered piece of paper with their fortune written on it.


The fortunes can range from general advice to more specific predictions about the future. Some people take their fortunes very seriously and follow them closely, while others see it as a way to procure guidance and advice.


Overall, Kau Chim is an interesting and unique tradition that has been practiced for centuries in China and continues to be a part of Chinese culture today.


Since many temples are dedicated to specific Deities, so does the Kau Chim divinations also relate to specific Deities, however, we perform ours in a neutral setting.


Although we are not a temple, we provide this service in a similar fashion - when purchased, we shall perform the divination on your behalf, and also confirm the validity of the outcome by casting the Jiaobei stones thrice to ensure that the stick which responded to your question is indeed the one which is the answer to your question.


We then provide you with the outcome via email, and can also provide it in a printable form if you wish to place the Lot within your home or wallet, which is often done.



After payment is made - we will require:


  • The full names of all parties involved.

  • The question (if any) as this form of divination can also be used as general guidance.


Please note that one divination is valid for one question only. If you seek answers to multiple questions, you need to purchase multiple divinations. Once payment is made and the requested details are received, we will perform your selected divination with 48 hours and inform you on the outcome.

Kau Chim / Qiuqian Divination

  • 吉凶 (Ji Xiong), Auspice - The general mood of the lot, whether it’s auspicious or ominous or otherwise. 


    宫位 (Guan Wei), House - The earthly branch that rules the Lot.  In the past, it was probably important to  consider this or the five elements involved.  But such consideration is practically non-existent today.


    典故 (Dian Gu), Allegory - A short story that illustrates the meaning of the Lot.  Although only one allegory will be mentioned here, some Lots can have as many as three different stories, depending  on the version that is being referred to.


    签文 (Qian Wen), Lot Verse - A poem that describes what the Lot means. It comprises of 4 lines, each with 7 characters.  There are many slight variations but only one will be provided.


    签意 (Qian Yi), Meaning of Verse - The key meaning of the “Lot Verse”.


    解曰 (Jie Yue) Interpretation - A clearer description on how the Lot should be interpreted.


    仙机 (Xian Ji) Celestial Message - Helps to clarify what the Lot represents by describing what this Lot indicates for the 15 different aspects in Life.  One should look at the specific question and identify the most relevant sections that impact the question.  For example, when the question concerns your career, you can ignore the section on "birth" and focus on  “wealth” and “transactions”.  The Lot also describes the message in terms of what one can expect in different aspects of life.  Do remember that this Oracle was created in a different era where the main commercial activities were quite different from what we have today.  The 15 different aspects of everyday life as described under “Celestial Message” include the following: 
    1. 家宅 (Jia Zhai), Household - The safety and prosperity of the household Also concerns family members and  their relationships with one another. 
    2. 自身 (Zi Shen), Self - Personal safety, luck and fortune. 
    3. 求财 (Qiu Cai), Wealth - On wealth itself or wealth-generating activities.
    4. 交易 (Jiao Yi), Transaction - Business and commercial transactions.  Also describe contracts and business  partners.
    5. 婚姻 (Hun Ying), Marriage - Marriage and marriage prospects.
    6. 六甲 (Liu Jia), Birth - On pregnancies and the health of both mother and baby as well as the sex of the baby.
    7. 行人 (Xing Ren), Traveler - May refer to your own travels or people who are travelling to see you.
    8. 田蚕 (Tian Can), Sericulture - This refers to sericulture (silkworms farming) and can be associated with related  commercial enterprises today.
    9. 六畜 (Liu Chu), Husbandry - This refers to the rearing of domestic animals (the six domestic animals being pig,  ox, goat, horse, chicken and dog) and can be associated with related enterprises  today.  Some may interpret that this may also refer to household pets. 
    10. 寻人 (Xun Ren), Person you seek - Someone you are looking for.  This person may broadly refer to someone you  know or anyone who is destined to bring help, guidance and support to you.   Sometimes it refers to missing family members or friends.
    11. 公讼 (Gong Song), Lawsuit - Legal Lawsuit; litigation.
    12. 移徙 (Yi Xi), Migration - Moving house or migration whether domestically or internationally.
    13. 失物 (Shi Wu), Lost object - Looking for items that you may have lost.
    14. 疾病 (Ji Bing), Health & sickness - Personal health or that of family and/or friends.
    15. 山坟 (Shan Fen), Ancestral grave - A proper and well-placed Ancestral grave is believed to bring luck and prosperity to  the descendants.  In the past, enemies may attack/destroy these graves to get back  at someone.